FCHI-2 update
Published April 15, 2020
CMHC has delayed the launch of the FCHI-2 program to September 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This will give co-ops more time to review and submit the new agreement.
Co-ops that have expired operating agreements between March 31 and April 30, 2020 need to review the agreement, sign electronically and send it via email to CMHC by July 15, 2020. Phase 1 operating agreements that were about to end will now run until August 31, 2020. This means current levels of support for co-op members will continue.
The Agency for Co-operative Housing has confirmed that CMHC will be accepting electronic signatures so we can follow physical distancing limitations.
CMHC has made some resources available online, such as the reference guide, the calculation worksheets and annual household declaration forms. Please visit www.cmhc.ca/fchi and click Resources.
Timeline for co-ops with operating agreements ending between March 31 and April 30, 2020:
- April 3: CMHC sent the new agreement to co-ops via email
- July 15: Deadline for co-ops to electronically sign and submit FCHI-2 agreement via email to CMHC
- September 1: FCHI-2 program begins
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