"The AGM is the time for co-op members to do their democratic duty! Bonus, meet co-op members from coast to coast to coast, and inspire each other! The workshops are great, and you will return home reinvigorated to help your co-op grow!"
"Attending the AGM really lights a fire under you and makes you realize how many other people are as passionate about co-operative living as you."
"I would recommend all co-ops to send at least 1 delegate to the AGM. It is an excellent source of knowledge and new ideas to engage your members easier."
"It is really invigorating just to talk to other co-op members from different parts of country. It really renews my commitment to and energy for co-operativism."
"The conference is informative, inspiring, educational, and offers members real ways to participate, contribute and network with fellow Canadian 'Co-operators’. "
"This is an event that supplies encouragement and reboots your co-op spirit. A great place to learn and bring back to your co-op valuable tools (ie - workshops)"
"The AGM gives members the opportunity to "think outside of their co-op" and to bring back new ideas."
"When I go to a CHF Canada event, I feel energized. The most profound experience for me is talking to the members, directors, and managers of other co-ops from all over Canada and finding out how much we have in common and how we can support each other."
"Attending the CHF Canada AGM is a valuable experience. Not only do you have the opportunity to review what CHF Canada has been accomplishing but you also learn about key issues facing co-ops across the county. "
"If you didn’t attend this years meeting. Please consider attending next year. Very fun, interactive workshops. Great socials and games!!"
"This has been one of the most uplifting experiences I have had…I look forward to helping to make positive changes to my co-op. Thank you for showing us the way."