Province extends ability to hold virtual meetings until September 2023
Published August 26, 2022
CHF Canada has just received notice from the province that the emergency provisions that have allowed housing co-ops to hold virtual member meetings has been extended until September 30, 2023.
Earlier this summer CHF Canada wrote to the Minister of Public and Business Services, The Honourable Kaleed Rasheed calling for an extension of these provisions that were set to expire at the end of September. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability to hold virtual meetings has been a lifeline for housing co-operatives that has allowed them to continue to successfully operate.
CHF Canada sought an extension to these provisions because we had become concerned that co-op members at risk due to Covid-19 would be forced to choose between taking part in a large indoor gathering, or executing their legal rights as a member of a housing co-op.
We are very pleased to see the government extend the emergency provisions until September 30, 2023. We will continue to work with the government towards permanent changes to the Co-operative Corporations Act (CCA) that will allow housing co-ops to hold virtual member meetings if they choose to do so.
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