Building new co-op homes
CHF Canada is helping build more co-op homes across Canada.
A quarter million people live in thriving co-op housing communities; but most have long or closed waiting lists. We want all Canadians to have the option of living in a housing co-op.
In 2017 the Canadian government released the National Housing Strategy.
In 2018 CHF Canada’s members approved a Vision Framework with a simple ambitious goal: Co-op housing for all.
The Framework commits CHF Canada and our members across Canada to pursue:
- Co-op-led development (existing co-ops adding new co-op homes through infill or expansion)
- Sector-led development (new housing co-ops developed by land trusts and partnerships).
In 2022, the federal government announced funding to create a Co-operative Housing Development Program.
CHF Canada’s role in development
- CHF Canada is advocating for better opportunities to develop and expand housing co-ops;
- We are forging relationships with sector organizations (see sector-led stories, below), and
- We developed a list of technical professionals to help co-ops that want to build new co-op homes. These consultants are offering preferred pricing for our members. Learn more here. If your co-op needs technical assistance, contact us (below).
For more information, contact CHF Canada’s Development team:
If you are looking for support or guidance with your co-op housing development project, CHF Canada may be able to provide support. Please complete an intake form.
Get inspired
- Use our new Self-Assessment Tool if your co-op is considering a development project. This 30-minute online questionnaire provides useful information and promotes reflection on your co-op’s needs and capacity.
- Watch our April 7, 2022 webinar: They’re multiplying! Co-op housing growth across Canada.
- Browse our co-op infill development stories
- Browse our development with partner organization stories
Find resources for your co-op
- Our curated list of Development Resources for every step of a project.
- Learn about the Co-operative housing for all vision.
- NEW: We have put together a webpage of advice on how to start a housing co-op outlining some steps to take if a group is at the early stages of starting a new c0-op.
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC has information and resources on developing new affordable housing through new construction and converting existing buildings. CMHC is a key national funding provider.
- Community Housing Transformation Centre: The Transformation Centre provides grants and has resources for community housing across Canada.