Manager training
CHF Canada is committed to supporting excellence in co-op management. We provide support, training and networking for co‑op managers through our workshops, Sharing Circles, resources, conferences, online courses, new Co-op Housing Management Accreditation program and management scholarship.
Co-op Housing Management Accreditation program (CHMA)
The Co-op Housing Management Accreditation (CHMA) is the first-ever national co-operative housing professional accreditation program!
We are here to support your vocation as a co-op housing professional! This program is for :
- those who are already working as a co-op housing staff person or manager
- those who want or plan to work as a co-op housing staff person or manager.
Visit our CHMA web page to learn more.
CHF Canada offers education workshops throughout the year both in person and online for co-op members, boards of directors and staff and managers. Check out our events page to see what’s upcoming, and sign up for our eNews to stay up to date on all education events.
Co-operative Management Conference
This premier professional development opportunity for managers and staff of housing co-ops is held each year as part of CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting.
Sharing Circles
CHF Canada hosts monthly Sharing Circles (excluding June, July & August) to provide an opportunity for co-op staff and managers to virtually connect and exchange. Each session is organized around a central topic relevant to co-op housing management. A subject matter expert begins the sessions with a brief presentation, followed by a managers’ exchange. Check out our events page for upcoming dates, and sign up for our eNews to stay up to date on all CHF Canada education events.
Online learning
CHF Canada’s online learning platform hosts high-quality, on-demand education for co-op staff and managers, boards of directors and general members. Courses are self-paced meaning learners can move through content when it is convenient for them. The platform is currently open to anyone and offers both free and paid course options.
Check out our foundational course for co-op staff and managers: You and your co-op: starting out as a housing co-op managers (Ontario, Prairies, Atlantic and British Columbia)
You and your co-op: starting out as a housing co-op manager is an introductory course for co-op staff or managers who are new in thier role or interested in a refresher.
Here’s what one new manager had to say about it: “This course was absolutely fabulous. There was such a wealth of information offered. It is well thought out and easy to follow. I really enjoyed this course, and highly recommend it to anyone!” – Andrea Gangel, Trillium Place Co-op
Visit our Online learning page to learn more.
Management scholarship
CHF Canada’s management scholarship promotes the continuous development of excellence in co-operative housing management in Canada. It supports individuals who have been involved i the co-operative housing movement to become proficient managers of housing co-ops. The program of study must be relevant to improving the busines skills of property managers, including but not limited to building asset management, finance and administration, co-operative housing, customer service, community development, etc.
Check our our management scholarship page to learn more.
Co-op Staff Oasis - networking site
Co-op Staff Oasis is a new, private online community for co-operative housing staff and managers. It is an online networking platform designed to support connections and resource sharing. The platform is a place to build relationships of mutual support, share experiences, resources, events and ideas, and ultimately grow the capacity of co-op managers and staff to meet their needs, and the needs of their communities.
Sign up here:
Our online resource centre hosts over 200 resources to support co-ops in governing and managing their co-ops effectively. Resources are available to any member or staff of a CHF Canada member co-op.
Check out the resource centre to learn more.