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Regulation changes for Ontario’s HSA co-ops a positive step forward

Published April 13, 2022

Regulation changes for Ontario’s HSA co-ops a positive step forward

When we have a reason to celebrate, it is always because of the dedication and unity of the co-op housing movement: CHF Canada, regional federations, co-op members and staff, and co-op housing supporters, all working together.

After five years of sounding the alarm and rallying Ontario co-ops, after launching the Fix the Formula 4 Co-ops campaign, and a national CHF Canada resolution, after last fall’s blitz of meetings with MPPs and Fix the Formula resolutions – after all that and more, there is good news for co-ops!

At the end of March, the government announced changes to the HSA regulations as part of their ‘More Homes for Everyone’ plan. The regulations state that Service Managers will be responsible for funding rental assistance in the new agreements at the end of mortgage. This is a huge step forward to protect the long-term viability of HSA co-ops and the people who live there.

In our media release responding to the announcement, CHF Canada’s Executive Director Tim Ross called these regulations “a turning point for 21,000 co-operative homes across the province.”

What does this mean for HSA co-ops?

Last week, we provided our initial analysis of what the regulations mean for HSA co-ops. There will be more work ahead for co-ops approaching the end of mortgage, in order to reach a new agreement with your Service Manager, but CHF Canada and regional federations will be here to support you.

But for now, let’s enjoy the fruits of our labour! With this news, we can see the positive impact of all that hard work. It’s a testament to the strength of the co-op housing movement.

Thank you all for your dedication, support and commitment to co-operative housing.

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