Most Viewed
A quality co-op employer charter
Vow to become a quality co-op employer by adopting this charter and signing the certificate (2009). Certificate in MS Word
Reading financial statements
Have you ever looked at your financial statements and wondered what it all means? Increase your comfort level when it comes to reading and using your co-op’s financial statements with some simple resources.
Where to turn: Dealing with opioids in your area
Share this resource about where to find naloxone kits and direct mental health services in your province or territory (2019).
Monthly Featured Resource
August Featured Resource: LGBT2SQ Inclusive Co-op CommunitiesUpdated May 2018
This brochure shares some tips on how you can help your co‑op become a more inclusive community. Learn what LGBT2SQ stands for and how to support equal rights for LGBT2SQ communities by becoming an ally to ensure your co‑op is a safe space for everyone.
May Featured Resource: A quality co-op employer charter
Being an employer is an important responsibility!
Co-op staff depend on the board to offer a professional work environment and stable employment conditions that support the sound management of our co-op.
Encourage your co-op board to adopt this charter and commit to providing an enriching and professional experience for co-op managers.
March Featured Resource: Checklist for succession planning and leadership renewal
Spring will spring this month! As new things start to grow, this is a good time to take a look at how your co-op plans for its Board elections. Use this checklist to make sure your co-op encourages new growth in its leadership.
June Featured Resource: Bringing information back to your co-op
We hope that you’ll learn a lot at our AGM, and that you’ll bring new ideas back home to your co-op.Check out our one-page tip sheet on how to organize your thoughts and bring information back to your co-op.
December Featured Resource: Cannabis and smoking
With cannabis now legal in Canada, many co-ops are wondering how this change should affect their policies.
The model smoke-free by-law allows your co-op to create a smoke-free environment that follows Ontario human rights legislation. You’ll also find a Guide to take your co-op through the process of adopting this by-law.
You may also want to check out this document from the Co-operators to learn how cannabis legalization affects your co-op’s Co-operators insurance coverage.
April Featured Resource: A guide to Indigenous land acknowledgements
Use this guide to learn more about what a land acknowledgment is and why it’s important. (2018)
Tips & tricks
An evolving collection of themed links from around the Web. Our current theme: The global co-op movement
Rooftops Canada
Rooftops Canada works with housing groups to provide affordable housing, foster gender equality and promote human rights.More
What is a housing co-operative?
This video from the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC introduces co-ops and the special advantages that makes them a great choice for housing.More
Cooperative Housing International Resource Section
Read resources, ideas, and best practices from housing co-ops around the world. More
Browse an interactive world map of housing co-operatives and cohousing. More
Co-op housing info brochures
These three brochures (titled 'Awareness', 'Knowledge' and 'Engagement') help explain the basics of co-op housing to members. More
Profiles of a Movement: Co-operative Housing Around the World
This book, available for free online, introduces you to co-op housing in 22 countries around the globe.More