CHF Canada member housing co-ops in Alberta receive these services and benefits:
- advocacy
- advice
- commercial insurance programs and MemberGuard contents insurance, and
- all the other CHF Canada services.
CHF Canada also works with and supports the regional co-op housing associations in Northern Alberta (NACHA) and Southern Alberta (SACHA), which provide local services and networking opportunities to co-ops in these regions.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba – CHF Canada Prairies office
The Prairies office offers these services to CHF Canada members in Manitoba and Saskatchewan:
- advocacy with government, the Manitoba Cooperative Association and other stakeholders
- education, including local education events
- advice
- commercial insurance programs and MemberGuard contents insurance
- the Manitoba Diversity Scholarship, and
- all the other CHF Canada services.
Fact sheets on COVID-19 and housing co-ops in your province:
- COVID-19 and Alberta housing co-ops
- COVID-19 and Manitoba housing co-ops
- COVID-19 and Saskatchewan housing co-ops
Contact CHF Canada Prairies office
Maria Vaiaso, Program Manager
PO Box 30132 Westview
Saskatoon, SK S7L 7M6
Phone: 778-327-5952
Visit CHF Canada’s list of related sites for websites of provincial and federal governments, housing departments and agencies, legislation and other areas of interest to housing co‑ops in the Prairies.