Co-op Housing Management Accreditation (CHMA)
The Co-op Housing Management Accreditation (CHMA) is the first-ever national co-operative housing professional accreditation program!
We are here to support your vocation as a co-op housing professional!
Who is it for?
- For those who are already working as a co-op housing staff person or manager
- For those who want or plan to work as a co-op housing staff person or manager
What is it exactly?
Four core courses and two electives, can be completed within a 12 to 24-month timeframe, depending on the delivery option.
- The core courses are: Property and Building Administration, Strategic and Financial Management, Human Relations and Maintenance.
- Electives will focus on a variety of topics – stay tuned for details!
How will it work?
- Distance learning: this is self-directed on demand learning through the use of an electronic manual.
- Hybrid: this is a mix of self-directed on demand learning using the electronic manual and four two (2) hour live online sessions.
- In person: these are courses offered through the CHF Canada Annual Meeting Co-op Management Conference (CMC).
Each core course will range between 30-38 hours, this will vary according to the individual and may vary slightly for in person, distance or virtual delivery options.
And … the accreditation will be maintained through ongoing professional development training!
To learn more or register:
To register for courses, please see Upcoming courses and registration below.
Create and account and register here.
Learn more by contacting
Course descriptions
Human Relations for Property Managers
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of human relations, whether as a supervisor, leader, employee, advisor or decision-maker. You will gain a basic understanding of personnel procedures, recruitment, management styles and business ethics. You will also learn techniques for interacting with members, the Board of Directors, contractors, regulators, and funders, as well as how to influence, motivate, and work with challenging situations and people.
Property and Building Administration
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of property management and how to manage different types of properties. Key topics include marketing, contract management, insurance, maintenance planning, essential financial reporting and planning, non-profit housing co-operatives, and co-op governance. Other topics include working with a volunteer Board of Directors, the legal framework for Canadian housing co-ops and the International Co-operative Principles.
Building Maintenance for Property Managers.
In this course, you will learn about residential building systems and maintenance needs. You will learn the principles of residential construction, how to reduce risk and maximize the efficiency and life expectancy of building components, how to manage life safety systems, and how to oversee contract management and a capital replacement program in support of long-term asset management plans.
Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers
In this course, you will learn basic accounting principles, how to use and analyze accounting and financial statements, and how to prepare and present budgets for the Board of Directors and members. You will also learn how to support co-op housing members and Boards in setting objectives and strategic plans, including monitoring and reporting on results.
Upcoming courses and registration
Course title | Course type (distance learning, hybrid, in person) | Enrollment open date | Course cost | Course dates |
Human Relations for Property Managers | Distance learning | August 15, 2024
Create an account here to purchase & start this course |
$500 +tax | Self-directed on demand |
Property and Building Administration | Distance learning | September 1, 2024
Create an account here to purchase & start this course |
$500 +tax | Self-directed on demand |
Hybrid | September 1, 2024
Create an account here to purchase & start this course |
$750 +tax | Self-directed on demand plus live online: September 13, 20, 27 & October 4, 2024. Exam: Oct 11th. |
Building Maintenance for Property Managers | Distance learning | January 1, 2025 | $500 +tax | Self-directed on demand |
Hybrid | September 1, 2025 | $750 +tax | Self-directed on demand plus live online: November 14, 21, 30, & December 5 and 12, 2025. Exam: Dec 19th. |
Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers | Distance learning | June 2025 | $500 +tax | Self-directed on demand |
In person | June 2025 | Refer to CHF Canada Annual Meeting website and CMC registration | In person: Week of June 10th, 2025 – specific dates to be confirmed | |
Hybrid | October 1, 2025 | $750 +tax | Self-directed on demand plus live online: January 23 & 30, February 6, 13 and 20, 2026. Exam: Feb 27, 2026. (Subject to change). |