COVID-19 and Saskatchewan housing co-ops
Published March 27, 2020
Updated September 22, 2021
By now, housing co-ops have made the shift to a “new normal” by changing operational practices in order to keep members and employees safe. If you encounter new developments, CHF Canada co-op staff are here to help you with your questions about co-op operations that are impacted by COVID-19.
Please call (204) 947-5411 or 1-888-591.3301 or email if you have any questions or need help sorting through an issue.
Please also check out our main Housing Co-ops and COVID-19 page which contains more updates and a comprehensive set of FAQs.
You can also check out our COVID-19 Meeting Resources page for tips and guides for holding electronic board meetings, town halls, and (coming soon) alternate ways to hold a members’ meeting or AGM.
Re-Open Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan has lifted most restrictions related to COVID by September 2021, but still provides guidance on Living with COVID. You can check for changing guidelines here.
Saskatchewan has lifted all bans on tenant evictions, so necessary member terminations may proceed for non-payment of housing charges or other reasons.
Members meetings
For Saskatchewan co-ops, our advice is that while you should proceed with member meetings, you should still be cautious about planning these members meetings. Consider using mail-in ballots and virtual meetings as tools to help you run a safe meeting. . The SCA has announced that the Saskatchewan government has created the ability for co-ops to hold virtual annual general meetings. Unless prohibited by the co-operative’s bylaws or articles of incorporation, an annual general meeting can be now held by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communications facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during the meeting. Consult with CHF Canada staff for more advice on this issue.
Board meetings
Even though board meetings will be smaller than members meetings, during the pandemic you may consider holding virtual board meetings. For Saskatchewan housing co-ops, directors can hold electronic board meetings through such means as telephone conferencing or computer video chat. (section 77 of the Act). This may be a preferred way to conduct necessary board business during this time.
In scheduling an electronic meeting, CHF Canada recommends dealing with high priority agenda items and limiting meetings to no more than one hour in length. (Zoom videoconferencing platform is free for meetings of 40 minutes or less). You can also check out our COVID-19 Meeting Resources page for tips and guides for holding electronic board meetings, town halls, and alternate ways to hold a members’ meeting or AGM.
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