2020 Greener Co-op Microgrants awarded – program growing thanks to more funding partners
Published July 08, 2020
After giving member co-ops an extra month to apply for this year’s Greener Co-op Microgrants due to COVID-19, we received a deluge of applications, a great sign that co-ops are keen to go green!
A total of 39 co-ops received microgrants this year, for initiatives ranging from community gardens to lighting retrofits, bike racks, clotheslines, low-flow toilets, thermostats, composters and rain barrels.
Community gardens were by far the most popular ask. For example, Coopérative Terrasse Chambord in Montreal listed the following benefits of developing a community garden (including a children’s garden):
- Fresh, quality vegetables
- Accessibility for persons with reduced mobility
- Transmission to children of the benefits of nature
- Socialization among intergenerational members
- Increasing physical activity
- Learning how to work cooperatively for both adults and children
We would like to thank the funding partners listed below, including a special shout out to the Community Housing Transformation Centre which is doubling any money we are raising this year. Including the Centre’s funding, so far we have raised $120,750. We are still on the lookout for more funding partners so if you want to see your dollars doubled by the Centre, contact Julie LaPalme at jlapalme@chfcanada.coop.
CHF Canada would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of The Agency for Co-operative Housing, Assurances Lussier Dale Parizeau, Caisse d’économie solidaire, CHF BC, the Community Housing Management Network, the Community Housing Transformation Centre, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, FHCQ, Iler Campbell, Marcil Lavallée, IRC Building Sciences Group, Spice Management Group, and Your Credit Union, to the Greener Co-op Microgrant fund.
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