Providing services and education safely during COVID-19
Published August 26, 2020
Summer nears an end, but COVID-19 remains a threat. CHF Canada has been hard at work determining how to provide Canada’s housing co-ops the service, advice and education they need while not risking the health of co-op members or staff.
The usual in-person fall education events will be replaced by an exciting virtual event spanning the month of November. Under one virtual roof and in collaboration with regional federations, we will offer webinars, a partners and exhibitors virtual ‘hall’, and networking catering to regional and national member interests. Please watch for details and registration coming soon.
“We are looking at new ways to reach members and offer the much needed opportunities to hear and learn from each other,” says CHF Canada Director of Member Services Patricia Tessier. “We are excited to be able to offer this new online event experience”
For day-to-day information and advice, CHF Canada staff are working from home and available during normal office hours by email or phone. With only rare exceptions (under strict safety protocols), staff will not be in CHF Canada’s office locations and will not be travelling or physically visiting co-ops until at least 2021.
Although we won’t be with you physically, be assured CHF Canada staff, Board and Ontario Council are available and working for you harder than ever during the pandemic. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for service, information and support.
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