Save the date for our 2022 Annual Meeting in Halifax: June 16 – 18
Published October 13, 2021
Mark your calendars! We are planning for a live, in-person Annual Meeting in Halifax, which will take place June 16-18, 2022. We are so looking forward to welcoming co-op members to Halifax for our first in-person Annual Meeting since 2019!
For the health and safety of members and staff, and in accordance with Nova Scotia provincial requirements, all attendees must be fully vaccinated (two doses at least two weeks prior to the conference) and masked when indoors. Proof of vaccination will be required on site at registration each day during the conference. Over the coming months, CHF Canada will continue to monitor the health situation to ensure the Annual Meeting can be held safely.
Be sure to budget to send at least one member from your co-op to attend this not-to-be missed event. Stay tuned for more details.
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