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New video shows why you can’t miss your Annual Meeting

Published April 05, 2018

CHF Canada’s 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting, happening this year June 6 to 9 in beautiful Victoria, BC, promises to be a historic event for our movement.

Rather than tell you why you should be part of it, this inspiring new music video, featuring Domanique Grant’s performance at last year’s AGM in Niagara Falls, will show you!

In 2016, CHF Canada approached Domanique to ask if she would be interested in working on a special project. Housing co-op pioneer Mark Goldblatt, who passed away in 2015, left a bequest earmarked for the creation of a cultural project.  This video caps off Grant’s project work which took inspiration from CHF Canada’s Think Young Strategy, the Vision consultations, and the work of co-op leaders of the past, present, and future.

“I wanted to connect it to what we do every day,” says Domanique. “It’s our parents traveling hundreds of miles, it’s the neighbourhoods that are imagined before they’re built, it’s the opportunities like the Diversity Scholarship that I received that show you there are people who believe in you.”

This year’s meeting aims to move all of this work forward as we contemplate another 50 years of strength and growth for co-op housing. We especially want the next generation of co-op members to be inspired by this milestone meeting. Members under 30 benefit from a 50 percent registration discount. They can also apply for one of seven young member bursaries of $650 each.

For members 30 or older, there are several other incentives to help you attend.

Don’t wait another minute.  Register now to be part of this very special event!

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