Request for proposals: 2019 AGM workshops
Published September 10, 2018
CHF Canada 2019 AGM
Member Education Forum and Co-operative Management Conference
June 5-8, 2019 – London, ON
CHF Canada is looking for workshop submissions for the 2019 Annual General Meeting in London, Ontario.
CHF Canada is the nationwide umbrella organization for co-op housing and Canada’s link with co-op housing around the world. We exist to unite, represent and serve the co-op housing community across Canada. We are proud to support our members in providing safe, secure, affordable housing to over 250,000 Canadians.
Every year, CHF Canada’s Annual General Meeting brings together housing co-op managers, members and board directors. We represent more than 1,000 members and associates, including almost 900 non-profit housing co-operatives and other organizations that are closely linked with housing co-operatives. Over 600 participants from across Canada attend the AGM to learn, network and discuss the issues facing the co-op housing sector.
The Education Program at our annual meeting includes the Member Education Forum and Co‑operative Management Conference.
The Member Education Forum spans two days and includes over 40 workshops that give housing co‑op members from across Canada the opportunity to connect, network and learn. Our goal is to provide members with the information and tools to support healthy co-op business practices, and strong, vibrant co-op communities.
The Co-operative Management Conference is a 3-day conference with over 20 workshops and networking events, for managers, co-ordinators and staff of housing co-operatives.
As a way to provide our members with access to the most current and emerging issues in the sector and beyond, we are looking for qualified professionals, consultants and facilitators to submit a workshop proposal.
We are looking from a wide array of areas including (but not limited to);
- governance and leadership
- long-term planning
- management skill development
- financial literacy
- diversity and equity
- accessibility and inclusion
- LGBTQ+ communities
- Indigenous communities
- human resources
- community building
- change management
- conflict resolution
- environmental sustainability
- the co-operative model
- social media and technology
CHF Canada will provide:
- workshop honorarium at a rate of $300 per workshop
Other expenses may negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
To apply, please send us a proposal that includes:
- your name and contact information
- the name of your organization
- target audience and desired number of participants
- your workshop title and a short description
- desired workshop length
- a short outline, including learning objectives, approach and outcomes
Please submit your proposal by 5:00 p.m. EST, October 10, 2018 to:
CHF Canada will not be obliged in any manner to any proposer. At its sole discretion, it may choose to terminate the Request for Proposal process and not enter into a contract with any of the proposers.
Only proposals submitted by email will be reviewed.
Click here to download this request for proposals as a PDF.
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