2020 Annual Meeting Changes
Published April 02, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CHF Canada’s Board and Council have made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the in-person 2020 Annual Meeting planned for Halifax. For the 2020 Annual Meeting, CHF Canada is exploring alternate options over the next couple of weeks.
CHF Canada’s elected leaders, staff and the local planning group are all incredibly saddened by this decision, but the health and safety of members had to be the most important factor in making this call.
We have made arrangements to return to Halifax in 2022.
Our local planning group led by the incredible Tina Hiscock and our local venue partners have been understanding and supportive of this decision, and they look forward to welcoming everyone to Halifax in 2022. We will get to experience a Maritime Kitchen Party, but sadly it won’t be this year.
These times are calling for us to be more innovative and creative in how we connect, so we’re exploring options for the National Business Meeting and Ontario Members Meeting. We’ll share any decisions and details about this in the coming weeks. For now, please continue to save the date of Saturday, June 13, 2020 on your calendar.
For information on registration refunds, hotel and flight cancellations, please check our updated FAQ page. If you have any further questions or comments about the Annual Meeting, please contact Cynthia Mitchell at 1-800-465-2752 ext. 226 or cmitchell@chfcanada.coop.
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Unity, creativity and community, which housing co-ops have in spades, will help us get through this together!
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