Join us in London, Ontario for CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting (June 5-8, 2019)
Published December 03, 2018
CHF Canada’s 2019 AGM website is now live!
Take a look and get ready to be a part of CHF Canada’s 2019 Annual Meeting in London, Ontario.
Each year, more than 750 co-op members, leaders and managers from across the country gather to participate in workshops, network with fellow co-operators, and have their say in the business of their national federation.
This is the big not-to-be missed event for your housing co-op to get the information it needs for success:
- Choose from among 45 workshops for co-op members at the Member Education Forum (June 6-7).
- Attend plenaries and workshops for staff/managers of housing co-ops during the Co-operative Management Conference (June 3-7).
- Have your say on big decisions and discussions of Canada’s co-operative housing movement during the National Business Meeting (June 8).
- Join others from your region at the Ontario Members’ Meeting and the Regional Caucuses (June 7).
Don’t miss out on this great (and fun) event! Start planning and budgeting now to join us.
Registration and workshop information will be posted on the website February 25th.
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