Official Notice: Don’t miss CHF Canada’s 2020 Virtual AGM
Published April 29, 2020
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the physical distancing requirements across the country, CHF Canada will be holding a Virtual AGM on Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. ET.
The virtual meeting “doors” will open at 12:30 p.m. ET to allow participants to test their setups and try a test vote. The National Business Meeting will start at 1:30 p.m. ET and the Ontario Members’ Meeting will follow immediately after.
Who can attend
Members of CHF Canada in good standing as of 12:00 p.m. ET on June 11, 2020 may appoint a Delegate to attend the Virtual AGM. Observers are also welcome to attend the meeting, but will not have the right to vote or be heard.
To register, go to the Virtual AGM website.
There is no registration fee for members to attend the Virtual AGM.
Agenda proposal
National Business Meeting
- Welcome
- Technical meeting details (how to participate)
- Call to order
- Establishment of quorum
- Appointment of the Chairperson
- Approval of the agenda
- Special Resolution 1: Electronic Member Meetings
- Approval of the 2019 minutes
- Special Resolution 2: Unified and Effective Governance
- Financial Resolutions:
- Receive the audited financial statements
- Appointment of Auditors
- 2021 Schedule of Dues
- Receive 2020 operating budget and 2021 forecast
- Elections
- Announcements Election Results and Returning Board of Directors
- Adjournment of the National Business Meeting
Ontario Members’ Meeting
- Welcome
- Technical meeting details (reminder)
- Call to order
- Establishment of quorum
- Appointment of the Chairperson
- Approval of the agenda and 2019 Ontario Members’ Meeting minutes
- Special Resolution R1: Unified and Effective Governance
- Adjournment of the Ontario Members’ Meeting
Resolutions and reports for the virtual AGM
The Virtual AGM website lists resolutions to be considered at the National Business Meeting and the Ontario Members’ Meeting:
- Special Resolution 1: Electronic Member Meetings
- Special Resolution 2: Unified and Effective Governance
- 2020 Financial Resolutions
- Special Resolution R1: Unified and Effective Governance
Here, you’ll also have access to other reports for the Virtual AGM, such as:
- the 2019 National Business Meeting Minutes
- the 2019 Ontario Members’ Meeting Minutes
- the 2019 Non-Consolidated Financial Statements
- the 2020/2021 Budget Report
- CHF Canada’s Annual Report
- reports from various CHF Canada Committees, including the:
- Aging in Place Committee Report
- Diversity Committee Report
- Finance & Audit Committee Report
Biographies and photos of each of the declared candidates can be found on the Democracy webpage. Candidates have been invited to provide short introduction videos, which will be posted on this webpage as they are received.
Technical information
To join the Virtual AGM, you will need:
- a computer or smartphone
- an Internet connection
- the latest version of Chrome or Firefox Internet browser
Every year, some delegates tell us that they’ve had trouble getting their resolutions package before the annual meeting. Please make sure to pass along this information to your delegate and any others interested in the AGM.
If you have questions or need more information, please visit the Virtual AGM website or call us toll-free at 1‑800‑465‑2752 or email
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