Members endorse resolutions and mark completion of governance changes at 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
Published June 24, 2021
More than 500 co-op members and supporters participated in CHF Canada’s Virtual Annual Meeting from June 10 to 13, joining together online to learn, network and make important decisions in support of a strong future for co-op housing.
Meeting virtually to stay safe, members approved several important resolutions focused on renewed federal advocacy priorities; a campaign for Ontario’s HSA co-ops; an urban, rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy; and member-managed co-ops.
During plenary meetings on June 13, government representatives spoke to members about the strength and potential of co-op housing. Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Steve Clark, spoke of his strong relationship with co-op housing during the Ontario Members Meeting which marked the end of the Ontario Council.
- Steve Clark
- Ahmed Hussen
At the National Business Meeting, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, outlined his actions which have resulted in extending FCHI rental assistance funding to all remaining eligible federally-administered housing co-ops.
The Virtual Annual Meeting also included an Opening Plenary featuring a keynote by the CEO of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association, Margaret Pfoh, several award presentations, and a stirring performance by speaker and singer Coco LaRain Veira.
- Coco LaRain Veira
- Margaret Pfoh
During both the Opening and the AGM, CHF Canada President Tina Stevens started the proceedings with moving tributes to the 215 children whose remains were discovered on the site of the former Kamloops Residential School, as well as to the Afzaal family killed in London, Ontario by a hate crime.
During the week, participants also took part in workshops at the Virtual Member Education Forum and Virtual Co-operative Management Conference. Early feedback has been very positive.
- “These educational conferences are fantastic. Co-op members and staff get educated in such a fun way, and treated so well (even virtually!) Thank you CHF Canada.”
- “The AGM is always an amazing experience and time to interact with members from across Canada. Even though we had to do things a bit differently this year, CHF Canada rose to the occasion and presented members with a great online conference.”
Please mark your calendar for next year’s Annual Meeting, where we hope to be together live and in-person, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 16 to 18!
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