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Annual Meeting endorses Vision of “Co-op Housing for All”

Published June 20, 2018

More than 700 housing co-op members and supporters took part in CHF Canada’s 50th anniversary Annual Meeting in Victoria, BC from June 6 to 9, endorsing a vision framework for the future of Canada’s co-op housing movement and mobilizing $1 million in support of new development.

At the AGM opening plenary on Friday June 8, members heard BC’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Selina Robinson, outline her province’s ambitious ten-year plan to create 114,000 new affordable homes. Then a Vision Panel moderated by Vision Summit participant Darrah Teitel of Abiwin Housing Co-op outlined Canada’s most urgent housing issues and challenged us to promote and expand co-op housing as a smart and successful solution.

At the national business meeting on Saturday, June 9, Adam Vaughan, MP for Spadina-Fort York and Parliamentary Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs, outlined funding in the National Housing Strategy for development of more co-op homes.

Delegates approved nine national resolutions including –

  • a Vision Framework based on extensive consultations with members and stakeholders, supporting the growth of co-operative housing under the banner “Co-op Housing for All”.
  • support of 94 calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • actions to combat Canada’s opioid crisis.
  • authorizing draws of $500,000 from each of CHF Canada’s national and Ontario endowment funds to support development of more co-op housing.

The meeting also featured an anniversary lunch featuring a CHF Canada time capsule and congratulations on behalf of housing co-ops in the U.S. from the chair of the National Association of Housing Co-operatives, Fred Gibbs.

The Ontario Region business meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Paul Kershaw on the impact of the affordable housing shortage on Ontario’s young adults, and the signing of a historic Memorandum of Co-operation between Ontario’s co-op housing federations and CHF Canada. During the week, participants chose from scores of workshops at the Member Education Forum, and the Co-operative Management Conference offered professional development opportunities for managers of housing co-ops.

Mark your calendars now for June 5 to 8, 2019 for our next meeting in London, Ontario.

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