Think green this spring! Apply for a Greener Co-op Microgrant
Published March 22, 2018
Would you like your co-op to have a positive impact on the environment? Want to decrease your consumption of non-renewable resources and save money while doing it?
Maybe you’d like to start a community garden, install a few rain barrels, or explore adding solar panels or a roof garden to your building? Maybe a little extra money could help you move your project forward.
The Greener Co-op Microgrant program was launched in 2016 and CHF Canada is offering it again for a third year. Projects that received funds in the past range from lighting retrofits, gardens, dual flush toilets, e-bike charging stations and bike storage, solar panels for powering gardening tools, and more.
This program will fund small projects – anywhere from $500 to $4,000 – that reduce greenhouse gases, improve air quality, help co-ops adapt to climate change and inspire others with best practices.
Funds are very limited, so apply early! Download the flyer and application form. Once funds have run out, we will post a message on the program webpage.
Housing co-ops are eager to make their communities more sustainable and many co-ops like Corktown Co-operative Homes in Hamilton, Ontario expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to receive a microgrant: “On behalf of the co-op, thank you for the grant that allowed the co-op to provide security for the members’ bikes somewhere other than their units.”
Cougar Canyon Co-operative in Delta, BC installed exterior LED lights and shared this comment from its members: “Many members have commented on how bright it is and how pleased they are with the extra sense of security as well as the energy savings and lower costs to be seen on the co-op’s hydro bill.”
Rebecca Hunt, the Garden Project Coordinator for Westwood Co-op Place in Niagara Falls, ON spearheaded a community garden that brought more than vegetables. This excerpt from Rebecca’s final report says it all: “In terms of community building, the garden became a space where people gathered almost on a nightly basis. Many people started new friendships and new interactions were made between neighbors.”
You can read more about the community garden and the other 13 projects with this list of 2017 microgrant recipients.
When CHF Canada’s staff, board and council travel across the country to visit our members we generate greenhouse gases. To make up for this, we have set aside funds that offset our carbon emissions – funds that can help green your co-op! With additional contributions from the Agency for Co-operative Housing, CHF BC, Co-op Cost Cutters, and the Housing Services Corporation, CHF Canada’s Greener Co-op Microgrant helps co-ops implement projects that will make communities greener.
The Greener Co-op Microgrant application and reporting process is quick and easy. Qualified applications will be funded on a first-come-first-served basis while funds last. All CHF Canada member co-ops qualify except those that have already received a grant in previous years.
For more information, please contact Julie LaPalme at
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