CHF Canada applauds signing of PEI bilateral housing agreement
Published January 18, 2019
On January 17, 2019, the federal government and the provincial government of Prince Edward Island (PEI) announced that they had signed a 10-year bilateral agreement to support affordable housing in PEI.
The agreement represents a $15 million investment to support the construction and repair of affordable housing in PEI. The federal government is also working with the government of PEI on a new Canada Housing Benefit for PEI, which will provide affordability support directly to those who need it.
Tim Ross, CHF Canada’s Executive Director, commented, “This agreement is great news for all those in PEI who are in need of affordable homes. CHF Canada is proud to be named as a partner in the PEI affordable housing strategy, and we are actively seeking new development opportunities. We look forward to continuing to work with the federal and provincial governments to support the creation and maintenance of affordable housing in PEI and across Canada.”
There are thirteen housing co-ops in PEI, twelve of which are CHF Canada members. Because PEI’s co-ops are federally administered, their rent subsidies were already secured by the National Housing Strategy. However, these co-ops should have the opportunity to benefit from the opportunities for new capital construction under this agreement.
Agreements between the federal government and Ontario, British Columbia, New Brunswick, and the Northwest Territories have already been signed.
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