Update on Ontario’s provincial election
Published June 25, 2018
Following the Ontario election, we have a new Progressive Conservative government as of June 29. CHF Canada’s goal was to make affordable housing a campaign issue and to get the parties to commit to co-op housing support.
Ontario’s housing co-ops and the local federations partnered with us throughout the campaign. There were 15 Meet the Candidates events at housing co-ops across the province. Armed with our brochures, posters and website info, members asked questions at town halls and at the front door. Hundreds of emails were sent to candidates from our email campaign.
There were a significant number – about 70 – of media stories on affordable housing during the campaign. All parties endorsed increasing the supply of affordable housing in their campaign platforms. Thank you to all of our co-op staff and members who worked to make this a successful campaign.
What now?
Over the years, we’ve met with sitting MPPs of all parties about the importance of co-op housing. This includes the long-standing PC critic for Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ernie Hardeman.
MPP Hardeman has often voiced his support for co-ops at Queens Park. “Solving our housing crisis is complex… it involves co-operative housing where people not only have an affordable place to live, they have a pride of belonging and ownership.” Going forward, CHF Canada will continue to work closely with MPP Hardeman and create partnerships with all political parties to find solutions to the housing crisis and make sure that co-ops play an important role in that solution.
With 73 first-time MPPs elected, we encourage your co-op to invite your local MPP to your summer bbq or other events to introduce them to your community and turn them into co-op housing champions. We can help!
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