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Ahmed Hussen appointed federal Minister of Housing

Published November 09, 2021

Ahmed Hussen appointed federal Minister of Housing

As part of last month’s federal cabinet appointments, the Honorable Ahmed Hussen was appointed Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion.

“We look forward to continuing our work with Minister Hussen in his new dedicated leadership role in housing, diversity and inclusion to tackle the housing crisis with more co-operative housing supply,” said CHF Canada Executive Director Tim Ross, who sits as a member of the National Housing Council created in 2020 to advise Hussen.

“Overall, this dedicated focus on housing, diversity and inclusion is a positive step towards realizing the right to housing for all in Canada. We know affordable housing is out of reach for too many people, particularly for Black, Indigenous and other racialized households. We are encouraged to see this reflected in the Minister’s role as Minister of Housing, but also Diversity and Inclusion. We look forward to building a more equitable housing system with this government.”

Minister Hussen was responsible for housing in the previous cabinet as Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and he has been highly engaged with the co-op and community housing sector as he works to deliver on the objectives of the National Housing Strategy.   He participated in the Vote Housing election debate on housing and homelessness and he has addressed CHF Canada members at our last two annual general meetings.

In an interview with the Toronto Star’s Tonda MacCharles about this new role, Hussen highlighted his main priority is to make more affordable housing available and that he “wants to expand the subsidized, non-profit or co-op housing supply for vulnerable people who need it”.

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