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CHF Canada responds to two important consultations

Published January 31, 2019

CHF Canada recently called for members to participate in two government consultations that have the potential to affect Ontario’s housing co-operatives. We have also submitted our responses on behalf of CHF Canada (see below).

Co-operative Corporations Act

In December, many co-ops received an email from the Ministry of Finance, inviting them to take part in a consultation on the Co-operative Corporations Act. We sent our member co-ops resources to help them participate. We’re pleased that housing co-ops made their voices heard.

Click here to read CHF Canada’s response to the CCA consultation.

Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario

The government of Ontario recently held a consultation on “Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario”.

We encouraged co-ops to speak up for the importance of affordable housing, and we thank all those who took the time to respond.

Click here to read CHF Canada’s submission to the Ontario Housing Supply consultation.

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