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Include Co-op Campaign succeeds thanks to members

Published October 23, 2019

A big ‘thank you’ to co-op members and regional federations across the country for sharing your stories, and promoting co-op housing as a community-driven solution to the housing crisis during the federal election.

As members, you know housing co-ops best. You are the experts, and our most powerful advocates. Because of your efforts, more voters and newly elected MPs know about co-op housing, and we can continue to advocate for co-op housing for all.

By the numbers

  • We reached our goal of sharing 2,000 #IncludeCoop messages on social media!
  • We hosted 20 events, including two events partnered with non-profit housing associations in Manitoba and New Brunswick.
  • We talked to nearly 50 candidates in-person at all candidate forums and events
  • We published three opinion articles in Canada’s major newspapers, with a combined audience of 7.5 million readers
  • We co-hosted the first ever National Housing Debate.

What next?

CHF Canada will continue to advocate for the protection and development of housing co-ops across the country. We look forward to partnering with the new Liberal minority government to continue the roll-out of the federal rental assistance program through FCHI-2, and advocating for good partnership with the provincial governments so provincially administered co-ops can have access to funding through their housing bilateral agreements.

Unmet demand for affordable housing continues to increase, and we want more people to experience the security, vibrancy, and resiliency of co-operative living.



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