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Featured Resource: 10 things to look for in your co-op’s financial statements

Published November 02, 2022

November is Financial Literacy Month. We may sometimes feel out of place in the world of numbers, but housing co-op board members need to have a good understanding of how our finances work.

In housing co-ops, members are involved in decisions about how the co-op uses its money for the good of the community. That means reading financial statements; but reading them doesn’t come easily to everyone.

Fortunately, CHF Canada has a resource to help you make sense of your co-op’s financial statements, so you can feel confident when discussing financial decisions.  10 things to look for in your co-op’s financial statements is an easy-to-follow guide on reading financial statements. You will learn the essential things that give you a window into your co-op’s financial health.

Whether you’re a staff person, board director or member, this guide helps you understand the financial picture of your co-op without needing a degree in accounting!

Bonus: You can read the guide, then test your knowledge with our Financial Management Quiz!

You can find both of these resources on CHF Canada’s online Resource Centre, with over 250 education resources to support housing co-ops.

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