CHF Canada Risk Management video launch
Published July 20, 2023
Did you know that participating in our Risk Management program can save your co-op money while making it safer for everyone? Let our new video show you how!
Risk Management is about being there for our members. Every time we have a loss that could have been prevented, our members suffer. To understand the risk and safety issues at your co-op, CHF Canada and Co-operators Insurance created a video that highlights the value and benefits of a risk management program.
CHF Canada staff along with our colleagues at Co-operators insurance, met on site at Kawartha Village Co-operative Homes in Peterborough Ontario. Together we interviewed members of the board, the co-op staff, and members of the co-op about just how easy and quick it can be to participate in a risk management program. The video highlights the things that the co-op is doing to help identify potential risks around their property so that they can plan to take the steps they need to eliminate them. Watch as we tour the co-op while their staff point out risks they have identified and will take steps to fix. It shows how hard they’re working and all that they’re doing to help keep their community safe.
Whether you’re a board member at a co-op, a property manager, or a resident, the video explains everyone’s role in the process and discusses the tools available to our members. Tools like our Checklists help members to identify and report potential risk within their own units.
Risk management is important, and our goal is to have as many co-ops as possible participate in our new Risk Management Program. Our program will help your co-op develop good risk management practices and encourage you to identify and fix preventable risks that might cause damage to your property or injury to you or your neighbours.
Watch the video to see how easy it is to participate and how it benefits your co-op!
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