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CHF Canada Board and Council reviewing governance best practices

Published January 25, 2019

CHF Canada’s elected leaders want to make sure our governance structure is meeting the needs of members and the movement. A Joint Governance Committee of representatives from the Board and Ontario Council is looking at the structure, size and composition of CHF Canada’s Board, Ontario Council and committees.

“The Board and Council first raised this issue in 2017,” said CHF Canada President Frank Wheeler. “They established this committee last year to investigate how we can best structure CHF Canada’s governance. It’s timely that they are considering this, given the new challenges and opportunities presented by the Vision Framework adopted last year.”

The review is intended to develop recommendations that will:

  • position CHF Canada for long term success,
  • improve governance effectiveness and efficiency,
  • respond to member and stakeholder feedback,
  • respect the co-op principles, including democratic member control, and
  • align with best practices in co-operative and membership association governance at a national level.

The Joint Governance Committee is researching options with support from a facilitator and will bring any recommendations to Board and Council which, if accepted, would then be brought to the 2019 Annual Meeting in London for member approval.  This would then need to be followed by bylaw changes to be voted on at the Halifax Annual Meeting in 2020.

If you have any feedback or questions during this exploratory phase, please email info@chfcanada.coop, preferably before February 14 when the Committee plans to begin compiling its recommendations.

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