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Provincial elections during a pandemic

Published September 23, 2020

New Brunswick went to the polls on September 14. The Progressive Conservatives were re-elected with a majority government and voters turned out at around 66 per cent in Canada’s first election held during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CHF Canada continued our advocacy and reached out to co-op members during this election.  We believe investments in co-operative housing can benefit the province in many ways, including supporting an aging population, and make it more attractive for young families and new comers to stay and build strong communities.

We sent out postcards to remind members to keep co-op housing in mind when voting, and recommended questions member could ask of their local candidates

We also published an op-ed in the Telegraph-Journal, New Brunwick’s newspaper.  In the op-ed, Executive Director Tim Ross wrote: “Co-ops can provide exactly what the province needs. Shared ownership housing options, such as housing co-operatives can support an aging population and make it more attractive for young families and newcomers to stay in affordable homes within stronger communities.”

We look forward to partnering with the re-elected government in New Brunswick to continue their rental assistance programs and advocating for good partnership with the provincial government and our member co-ops.

Next month, Saskatchewan and BC are holding elections and CHF Canada will continue our advocacy work there.

“Providing rental assistance through co-ops is a proven model to provide high-quality affordable housing” says Courtney Lockhart, Program Manager of Policy & Government Relations.

“Through the Saskatchewan and BC elections, we will build on the grassroots advocacy of our members, and continue to call for continued rental assistance programs.” Housing co-operatives want to be a key part of the solution to eliminate affordable housing need.

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