Meet an AGM Attendee: Mikaila Borden
Published May 14, 2019
Since young co-op members are the future of the co-operative housing movement, we’ve made it a priority to help young co-op members attend our Annual Meeting. We offer 40% off the registration fee for all AGM participants 35 years of age and under, and also offer young member bursaries.
One of the young co-op members who’ll be attending our AGM this year, June 5 – 8 in London, Ontario, is Mikaila Borden. Mikaila is a member of Needham Housing Co-op in Truro, Nova Scotia, and also a recipient of our Nova Scotia Diversity Scholarship.
Asked about what she was most looking forward to about coming to our AGM, Mikaila replied:
“I’m really looking forward to meeting with other young members as well as hearing stories about the experiences of other co-ops. Since I’ve only attended our provincial meeting, I’m excited to finally meet members from all over Canada!”
We also asked Mikaila what she’d say to other young co-op members who are thinking of coming to CHF Canada’s AGM:
“I strongly encourage other young members to make an attempt to attend the AGM. It’s a great way to make connections with other members, young and old, and to share each other’s experiences to bring back to your own. You may learn some things about co-operative housing you never knew and hear ideas that you’ll want to report back to your co-op as well!”
We look forward to seeing co-op members and staff of all ages at our AGM. If you haven’t already registered, you can do so at our AGM website. The last day for early bird registration is Tuesday, May 14th.
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