Co-op community garden becomes a community gathering place
Published November 18, 2020
When Interlake Co-op in Teulon, MB, found out they’d received a Greener Co-op Microgrant from CHF Canada, they hired a contractor to construct six raised cedar garden boxes based on input from co-op members.
Staff and members filled the boxes with soil and everyone took turns watering and weeding throughout the summer. The garden became a daily gathering spot, boosting everyone’s morale.
Members who previously didn’t socialize have now been visiting with their neighbours and helping out with the garden.
The bounty of the gardens was shared by all and members are already discussing what they would like to plant next year. What a wonderful addition to the co-op!
Applications for the 2021 Greener Co-op Microgrants will open in spring 2021. Read more about the program, and projects that have been funded, and start brainstorming!
CHF Canada’s Greener Co-op Microgrants are supported by sponsors including the Community Housing Transformation Centre.
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