Blair Hamilton receives many thanks, and award in Manitoba, prior to retiring
Published December 08, 2021
At the end of this year, Blair Hamilton, CHF Canada’s Regional Manager, Prairies, will retire from CHF Canada after eight years of service to housing co-ops in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and in Alberta alongside regional federations NACHA and SACHA.
Blair is especially proud to have been able to help CHF Canada offer several Indigenous and Reconciliation themed workshops at our Member Education Forums, and has found it highly rewarding to hear directly from CHF Canada’s Indigenous members.
Reflecting on his work with CHF Canada, Blair commented:
“Working for CHF Canada for the past eight years has been a great way to cap off a career spent in community development. Aside from the great colleagues and ever-engaging members, housing co-ops have been a vehicle to build citizens and practice democracy on a daily basis. In these times, that is so important. Thank you for the opportunity and the experience.”
Spirit of Community Award
Blair, and CHF Canada, were also recently recognized with the Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association’s Spirit of Community Award, honouring “an individual or organization whose significant support and committed partnership have contributed towards building a thriving, sustainable non-profit housing sector in Manitoba”.
Gratitude for Blair’s work
Patricia Tessier, CHF Canada’s Director, Member Services, had this to say about Blair:
“Blair has been a beacon for the co-op housing movement nationally, and for CHF Canada members in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. His commitment to serving our members, directly and with our federation partners has been, and remains, unwavering and incredible. His ability to be objective and fair, while supportive in his interactions with members and stakeholders has always been impressive.”
“With our growth vision, new technologies, and response to evolving government programs and priorities, Blair’s contributions, unique and wise perspectives, have been extremely valued and appreciated.
His intellect, witty much-needed steadfast humour, and sober-second-thought opinions will be dearly missed.
“As he retires, and as we all navigate change and a new paradigm, Blair’s fervent wish for the co-operative housing sector is to “never lose sight of what makes us unique and special in the housing sector – meaningful decision-making by the people who live in co-op housing.”
Maria Vaiaso is CHF Canada’s new Regional Manager, Prairies, and has been working with Blair over the past few months to ensure a smooth transition.
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