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Request for Proposals: Supporting the Reconciliation Journey

Published March 14, 2019

CHF Canada is seeking proposals for a firm or consultant to identify practical ways that CHF Canada and housing co-ops can take part in the process of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.

Click here to download this request for proposals as a PDF.

A. Background

The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) is requesting proposals from a qualified independent firm or consultant.

In recognition of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 report and the resulting 94 Calls to Action, CHF Canada has made a commitment to take part in the process of reconciliation. We are seeking support to identify practical ways that CHF Canada and housing co-ops can take part in the process of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.

Furthermore, CHF Canada is fully committed to the seventh co-op principle, Concern for Community, which includes First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples. CHF Canada aims to set forth concrete ways in which it can work with Indigenous Peoples in a meaningful way in the future, and will encourage its members to take similar action. CHF Canada’s Diversity Committee is a designated advisory group that will be involved in providing guidance and direction to this work.

CHF Canada is the nationwide umbrella organization for co-op housing and Canada’s link with co-op housing around the world. We exist to unite, represent and serve the co-op housing community across Canada. We are proud to support our members in providing safe, secure, affordable housing to over 250,000 Canadians.

Our membership includes 58 Aboriginal community housing co-ops. These are housing co-ops that have declared that at least 10% of their units are occupied by First Nations, Métis, or Inuit People. Aboriginal community housing co-ops are responsible for electing CHF Canada’s Regional Director representing the Aboriginal community. Engagement of members of these co-ops will be integral to this project. CHF Canada provides many opportunities for engagement such as our annual meeting and regional events.

B. Project Objectives and Scope of Work

The following is a general summary of the scope of work for the proposed project. This is intended as a guideline for developing proposals.

The firm or consultant will, on behalf of CHF Canada and its members, and based on feedback and the firm or consultant’s expertise:

1. Identify strategies and actions that CHF Canada can take to become more involved in the reconciliation process with the goal of building meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities.

(a) review CHF Canada’s programs and identify areas for improvement and education

(b) propose guidelines or a framework to help guide CHF Canada’s future initiatives and/or advocacy efforts

(c) identify ways that CHF Canada can educate our membership about Canada’s history of colonization, residential schools, systemic racism and discrimination

2. Develop a tool kit that:

(a) identifies ways the co-operative housing sector can help advance reconciliation

(b) outlines collective actions that can be taken by housing co-operatives and the wider community housing sector towards reconciliation and building  meaningful relationships with Indigenous Peoples.

Optional and additional: CHF Canada is considering the development of a video that would support efforts toward reconciliation through housing. In consultation with CHF Canada’s staff, the firm/consultant would provide guidance and help coordinate the development of a video that raises awareness and accompanies CHF Canada’s reconciliation efforts. This work would not be included in the budget amount outlined in Section D below. Firms/consultants should nonetheless provide pricing for this optional work.

C. Qualifications, Skills and Experience

  • Experience in Indigenous engagement will be considered an asset in the selection of a consultant. Indigenous consultants and organizations are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Excellent project management skills and ability to meet deadlines
  • Strong written skills with the ability to develop tools and resources using plain language
  • Knowledge of Indigenous issues within the Canadian context
  • Familiarity with the Truth and Reconciliation process and other related initiatives
  • Knowledge of the co-operative housing or wider community housing sector is considered an asset

D. Proposal Requirements

The proposal should include, and will be evaluated on, the following information:

  1. Contact Information: Your name, consulting firm, and contact information.
  2. Qualifications and Experience: A description of your area of expertise and qualifications as they relate to the project objectives and scope of work. Please include any relevant or related work experience with Indigenous communities, other national associations, non-profit organizations or co-operatives for which similar services were performed.
  3. Proposed Budget and timeline: Your proposed approach and work plan to undertake the scope of work outlined herein, including your fees and timelines for the project. We ask that the budget for the project not exceed $10,000 excluding taxes. CHF Canada encourages proposals that offer creative ways to leverage technology to reach members through the various stages of the project.
  4. References: Two references for services similar to CHF Canada’s requirements that you have undertaken.

E. Submission Deadline:

Please submit your proposals by 5:00 p.m. EST, April 23, 2019 to: info@chfcanada.coop

**please use RFP 2019-RAP as your subject line. Only proposals submitted by email will be reviewed.

Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of “best value” as determined by CHF Canada. CHF Canada will not be obliged in any manner to any proposer. At its sole discretion, it may choose to terminate the Request for Proposal process and not enter into a contract with any of the proposers.

For questions contact:

Patricia Tessier – ptessier@chfcanada.coop
1-800-465-2752 ext. 241
(after April 15)

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