Survey seeks your feedback on reconciliation
Published October 24, 2019
CHF Canada has launched two member surveys about reconciliation: one targeted to Indigenous co-op members and housing co-ops, the other targeted to non-Indigenous members.
The ideas and suggestions that you share will guide the creation of a toolkit that co-ops and others can use to support reconciliation with Indigenous people.
CHF Canada has launched two member surveys to hear from co-op members. The survey will help CHF Canada’s work on reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous people.
The surveys are part of CHF Canada’s current work to develop an action plan for reconciliation. A key component of the plan is a tool kit that housing co-ops and other CHF Canada members can use to strengthen and support reconciliation in their own communities.
One survey is designed to solicit input from Indigenous housing co-op members. CHF Canada is hoping to tap into the experience of Indigenous co-op members and housing co-ops that serve Indigenous people. So, the survey asks Indigenous co-op members what they believe should be in the tool kit? Can they offer specific suggestions for the tool kit’s content? Are they already engaged in reconciliation, and if so, what lessons can they share?
In particular, the survey asks Indigenous members to share what they think non-Indigenous people should know about creating and improving relationships with Indigenous people.
The survey invites Indigenous respondents to share ideas about what CHF Canada itself can do to promote reconciliation.
The other survey solicits input from non-Indigenous co-op members.
Both surveys were developed for CHF Canada in consultation with Jackie Hogue, a Winnipeg consultant who specializes in Indigenous matters. She is helping CHF Canada respond to a resolution passed by members at the 2018 annual meeting.
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