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Six resources to start the Truth and Reconciliation conversation

Published February 05, 2020

“Beaded Booties” by Lorraine Richard, submitted to the MMIWG Gallery of Artistic Expressions

There is work for all of us to do to achieve reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada.

If you are interested in starting that conversation at your co-op, or with your friends, family, or co-workers, we’ve put together a list of resources to help you get started:

  1. Namwayut: we are all one. In this video, Chief Robert Joseph shares his experience as a residential school survivor and the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada.
  2. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action: Read the 94 calls to action recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address the legacy of residential schools
  3. Beyond 94: This CBC project tracks Canada’s progress in achieving the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
  4. Native Land: Search this interactive map to learn which Indigenous groups’ traditional territories you live on, what languages have been spoken there, and what treaties apply to your area.
  5. Kitchen table guide for reconciliation dialogue for individuals, communities and organizations : Start a conversation about reconciliation with this guide from Reconciliation Canada.
  6. Gallery of Artistic Expressions: See art collected by the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls that commemorates those who have been lost.

You can also find these resources on our Education page, which we update regularly with new resources.

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