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Highlights from Member Survey

Published September 25, 2019

Co-op members votingLast spring, CHF Canada launched a member survey to learn how your national federation can best support your co-op’s needs.

We received close to 500 responses. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share thoughts and comments!

Here’s what we learned from the survey results:

  • 95% of respondents value CHF Canada’s advocacy work with government.
  • 80% of members use CHF Canada education services including events, workshops and online resources.
  • 80% agree that CHF Canada membership is good value for their co-op
  • 80% are very likely or somewhat likely to recommend CHF Canada membership to other housing co-ops
  • The top two challenges co-ops face are addressing the need for ongoing subsidies (80%) and aging in place (76%).
  • Members are interested in hearing more updates on our Vision for the Future of the Co-operative Housing Movement in Canada
  • 80% of members living in a housing co-op know about the services that are included with their co-op’s membership.
  • There is some degree of support for making more services fee-based to help keep membership dues more affordable
  • Overall, those working for a housing co-op or a co-op management company are making the most use of CHF Canada services.

What are some areas where we can improve member service?

  • Letting members know what services are included in dues and how you can make the most of your membership.
  • Providing updates on the progress of our Vision on a more regular basis.
  • Continuing to prioritize our advocacy work, and developing more resources and tools focused on aging in place.

Congratulations to the following members who won a $50 restaurant gift card: Fin from Kenfinch Housing Co-operative, Scarborough, ON; Laura from Liberton Terrace, St.Albert, AB; and Rosie from Meadowlark Housing Co-op, Regina, SK.

If you have any questions about the survey results, please contact Cynthia Mitchell, Program Manager, Membership & Events at cmitchell@chfcanada.coop or at 1-800-465-2752 ext. 226.

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