Celebrate Co-op Day, July 7
Published June 28, 2018
Next Saturday, July 7th is International Co-operative Day!
This is a great opportunity to celebrate the co-operative spirit and learn more about the global co-op movement.
Here are some ways your co-op might mark the day:
- Organize a potluck, BBQ or other kind of social event at your co-op
- Screen a documentary like A New Economy or any of the films listed here
- Plan kid-friendly co-operative games and activities
- Invite people from other co-ops, both housing co-ops and other kinds
- Sign the Co-ops for 2030 pledge in support of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, and share it on social media with CHF Canada and the hashtag #coops4dev
International Co-operative Day has been observed annually on the first Saturday in July since 1923 by the International Co-operative Alliance. Tap into the history and pride of the co-operative movement and join in the celebration!
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