Highlights from CHF Canada member survey
Published October 13, 2022
Earlier this year, CHF Canada launched a member survey to learn how your national federation can best support your co-op’s needs. We also wanted to understand how the pandemic has impacted co-ops and learn about what has changed since our last survey in 2019.
We received over 600 responses. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and comments!
Here’s what we learned from the survey results:
- 93% of members value CHF Canada’s online resources, the highest rated member benefit.
- 88% are likely to recommend CHF Canada membership to other housing co-ops.
- 87% of members are satisfied with their CHF Canada membership.
- 82% agree that CHF Canada dues are good value for money.
- The top two member benefits used are online resources (51%), and online courses and webinars (49%), which jumped significantly since 2019
- The top two challenges co-ops face are aging in place (69%) and addressing the need for ongoing subsidies (60%). These were also the top two needs from our 2019 survey.
- 62% of members reported they experienced a lack of engagement and loss of community spirit due the pandemic. In contrast, 42% experienced the opposite, reporting an increase in community spirit and support.
- Overall, members are satisfied with their CHF Canada membership and see value in being members.
How can we improve?
- Continue to prioritize our advocacy work, and develop more resources and tools focused on aging in place.
- Develop more online courses and webinars to meet the growing demand for virtual learning.
- Support members in their efforts to re-instill community spirit and engagement at their co-ops.
If you have any questions about the survey results, please contact Cynthia Mitchell, Program Manager, Membership & Events at cmitchell@chfcanada.coop or at 1-800-465-2752 ext. 226.
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