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Housing Minister addresses Ontario delegates at AGM

Published June 21, 2017

Housing Minister addresses Ontario delegates at AGM

“I agree: we do need more co-op housing.”

We know we’re on the right track when the Minister of Housing declares this at our annual meeting!

The Honourable Chris Ballard gave the keynote speech at the Ontario meeting. His speech made it clear that he holds co-op housing and CHF Canada in high regard. He spoke fondly of Ontario Region staff and their presence at Queen’s Park, and quoted our own Council president David Waters from a CHF Canada media release. Delegates gave the Minister a standing ovation for his remarks on leveraging surplus land for affordable housing, inclusionary zoning and rent control.

Answering a question from a constituent from a co-op in his riding, Minister Ballard replied “I agree: we do need more co-op housing.”

Minister Ballard is intimately familiar with the challenges our communities face.  Appointed just a year ago, he’s been unafraid to make bold public policy changes. All good signs as we continue to work with The Minister and his staff on behalf of our member co-ops.

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