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Co-op Week 2023: Co-operating on Climate Action

Published October 19, 2023

October 15-23 is Co-op Week in Canada!  Did you know there are over 7,000 co-operatives in Canada – from housing co-ops to worker co-ops to food co-ops? 

Housing co-ops make up the largest portion of co-ops in Canada. While co-ops come in many different sizes with different structures and goals, all co-ops in Canada share common goals and principles: co-ops are owned by their members, co-ops are democratic and every member has a right to vote, and co-ops are committed to benefiting their communities.

Image text: Co-op Week: Co-operating on climate action

“The tides are shifting as people look to alternative ways and solutions to the crises of today, not only housing but climate, poverty and disenfranchisement,” says CHF Canada’s Director, Member Services Patricia Tessier who is currently enrolled in studies through the International Centre of Co-operative Management  at St. Mary’s University.   “Co-operative business models including housing offer such social conscious solutions. Everyone can play a role in shifting these tides and growing the co-operative movement.”

One way that many co-ops practice concern for their communities is through environmental sustainability.  The theme of this year’s Co-op Week is Co-operating on Climate Action and many housing co-ops are making incredible strides towards greener and healthier communities.

Housing co-ops and climate action 

Buildings are the third highest source of emissions in Canada and reducing building emissions is key to creating a climate-safe future. Co-op housing communities are taking incredible steps to make their buildings and homes more climate-friendly through energy retrofits, waste reduction initiatives, gardens and greening their properties, heat pumps and more. Co-operating on climate action is helping co-ops reduce their environmental impact, build community through collaboration and reduce their costs.

Check out stories of co-op climate action: 

How your housing co-op can celebrate Co-op Week 

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