The End of the Emergency Declaration: What that means for Annual General Meetings at Housing Co-ops in Ontario
Published August 31, 2020
Housing Co-ops in Ontario are required to hold their Annual General Meetings
On July 24, 2020, the “Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020” came into effect, ending the declaration of emergency in Ontario. The emergency declaration had extended the timeline for holding of Annual General Meetings.
What does this mean?
Co-ops that did not hold their Annual General Meetings due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the provincial emergency orders, can now schedule these meetings.
When do we have to hold our meeting?
Housing Co-ops in Ontario have a deadline of up to 15 months after the last AGM to hold its AGM {See Co-operative Corporations Act Section 77 (1)}.
If your co-op should have held its AGM anytime between March 17 and July 24, 2020, your co-op must hold its AGM by October 22, 2020.
If your co-op should have held its AGM anytime between July 25 and August 24, 2020, your co-op must hold its AGM by November 21, 2020.
Can we hold our meetings like we used to – in our meeting room with normal member capacity?
No. Your co-op will need to check with your local Public Health requirements to ensure that your members remain safe during the meeting.
Can the sector organizations help our co-op with these meetings?
Yes, we are here to help. Contact your local co-op housing federation or CHF Canada for further information on how to conduct a members’ meeting during this time of physical distancing.
CHF Canada has produced two resources for co-ops:
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