Vaccination status checks and housing co-ops
Published October 13, 2021
In most provinces and territories across the country, new rules about vaccination requirements and verification for public spaces have many organizations working to understand how they apply to housing providers, and housing co-ops in particular.
Given the direction provided by some provincial/territorial governments, but primarily to ensure safety for all, even where these rules are not in place or may be unclear, CHF Canada recommends co-ops implement proof-of-vaccination requirements for any in-person interior gatherings such as board, member meetings and any other use of common room space.
CHF Canada recommends that directors and members continue to have the option of attending any meetings virtually. For resources on holding virtual meetings check out Meeting resources during COVID-19.
If your co-op allows members to book common room space for personal use, the co-op should be applying the same full vaccination requirements for use of the space.
Rules differ across the country.
To find out the specifics for your region, check with provincial/territorial health authorities and visit our region-specific Covid-19 info pages. If you need help, contact your regional co-op housing federation or CHF Canada staff.
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