Advocating together: Expedite the launch of the co-operative housing development program
In April 2022, the Federal government announced the Co-operative Housing Development Program – the first federal investment in co-op housing in 30 years. The co-op housing sector welcomed new investment after years of advocacy, and we have put forward our expert advice during the co-design process.
Now, we want to see this program launched quickly so we can start building this next generation of co-op homes. In a housing crisis, we cannot afford delays.
Our voices are louder together – please widely share the campaign to your networks and through your communication channels.
Join the campaign
Regional federations and housing co-ops can pass resolutions and encourage their individual members to send a letter to the Minister of Housing and their local MP.
The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC), Golden Horseshoe Co-operative Housing Federation (GHCHF) and Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto (CHFT) passed emergency resolutions at their Annual Meetings this winter.
Resolution for housing co-operatives
- THAT [our co-op] urge the federal government and the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, and our local Member of Parliament to launch the Co-op Housing Development Program without further delay.
- THAT [our co-op] work with regional co-op housing federations and CHF Canada to voice our support of the Co-op Housing Development Program and launch as soon as possible.
- The Co-operative Housing Development Program was announced in the April 2022 Federal Budget. The co-op housing sector anxiously awaits the launch of this program. Co-ops and sector partners are ready to deliver and create more co-op homes.
- The economics of new housing construction continues to be challenging. Delays in launching the Co-operative Housing Development Program have a direct cost effect on projects that are shovel ready.
- Extensive consultation occurred with the co-operative housing sector as part of the co-design, most notably through a Sector Advisory Committee. This Committee includes a diverse and representative group of leading organizations and individuals operating and developing co-op homes; together, they offered guidance on the needs of the sector, the practicality of proposed solutions, and identified strengths and barriers to proposed programing.
- Co-op housing is needed now more than ever. Housing co-operatives offer housing at-cost to their members and operate on a not-for-profit basis. Research has proven that co-operatives offer greater stability and affordability over time compared to market housing.
- Creating more co-op sector development capacity and increasing the supply and scale of co-operative housing via a dedicated and tailored co-op housing development program will help more people in Canada access housing that is affordable and meets their needs. This will advance the right to housing and bring more equity to Canada’s housing system.
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