I’m a new Board member
Congratulations on being elected to your co-op’s Board of Directors!
As a board member, you have the opportunity to shape the future of your co-op, and to be an important part of the co-op movement across Canada and around the world.
Being a board member is a big responsibility. It means learning lots of new terminology and skills. Things like reading financial statements might be intimidating at first, but with the right resources and information you’ll be on top of things in no time!
We encourage you to ask questions and take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow. Check out the Resources section on our website for lots of information on topics like planning for your co-op’s future, making your board meetings more effective, and making sure your co-op is meeting its legal responsibilities. (You’ll need to create an account on our website to access the Resources section.)
To get you started, here are some resources that we think might be helpful for a new board member:
- “Management or Governance Quiz”
- “Good Governance: A Role for Everyone”
- “10 Things to Look for in Your Co-op’s Financial Statements”
- “A Quality Employer Charter”
- Learn more about our Vision for the Future of the Co-operative Housing Movement in Canada.
- Follow CHF Canada on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and sign up for our eNews email newsletter to stay up to date on the latest co-op news and opportunities.