Young Members
What’s new and exciting at this year’s Annual Meeting?
What diversity means to Emma, a CHF Canada Diversity Scholarship recipient
From clean ups to social media, how Diversity Scholarship recipient Dylan helps his co-op
Diversity Scholarship recipient Dimah builds co-operation among newcomers
#HumansOfCoopHousing: Lindsey encourages young leaders as pandemic highlights affordable housing crunch
Diversity Scholarship recipients announced in Atlantic Region and Southwestern Ontario
Introducing CHF Canada’s Young Member Network champions
New Include Co-op videos
Nanda’s story (Video)
Sonia Aguilar Valencia on why co-ops should “Believe in Millennials”
Young member profile: Elke Dring on co-ops and community
Meet an AGM Attendee: Mikaila Borden
Diversity Scholarship awarded to Stephanie Kent
Young member profile: Darrah Teitel a rising star in Canadian theatre
Meet an AGM workshop leader: Sarah Jensen
Young Member Discounts and Bursaries for this year’s Annual Meeting
Young member profile: Mary Ho on the importance of mentorship
Co-op redevelopment gives young member Labib Chowdhury a chance to shine
Diversity Scholarship recipient Keza Uwitonze talks about diversity
Sahara Shaik: Continuing the legacy of co-op youth leadership
Young Member Profile: Old connections, fresh vision
Young Member Profile: Sarah Jensen
Stability and Succession at West Glen Co-op
Young leaders like Jasmine Borden can attend AGM with 50 percent discount
Vision Summit encourages co-op housing leaders to dream big
Young member story: Quinton Rodriques
Young member story: Jjess Sselwanjja
Inspired by co-op living, Domanique Grant blends art with advocacy
ONTARIO CO-OPS: WE want to send YOUR teens to camp!
Housing co-op rock star to headline Annual Meeting
Atkinson Co-op: board member Nuha Habay